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General Information about Schedule Calendars

This procedure links work schedules and overtime schedules to a yearly calendar that is based on the General calendar (the Swedish calendar for companies in Sweden).

Why Use Schedule Calendars?

Schedule calendars are used so that employees can work according to different work schedules and overtime schedules on different days. When working shifts, the work schedule must be changed at regular intervals. For example, days such as "major holidays" may require a special overtime schedule.

The schedule calendar will work as the link between work schedules and the employees, and make sure that the right schedule is applied to each day. You use the Update Employee procedure to link employees to a calendar, and thereby indirectly to schedules, but you can also link an employee directly to a fixed schedule without using a calendar. Read more under the heading Principles for Linking Schedules to Recording in the help section for the Update Schedule procedure.

Please Note! You should NOT manage vacation days by removing all schedules for that period in the calendar, or by using a special overtime schedule for those days. Vacation should instead be recorded as absence according to a special absence code.

An existing schedule calendar is loaded in the Calendar no. field on the heading row.

What Do You Do in this Window?

By using this procedure to create a calendar, you can enter a specific schedule for each day of the entire year. You can create several calendar years in the same calendar. In order to simplify applying the right calendar for each day, there are certain functions that will automatically apply the right schedule for the most frequent needs: shift work, overtime schedule for major holidays and overtime schedules for non-working days. A non-working day is in this case a regular work day (week day) that does not have any working hours defined in the schedule. (Day type 0 in Update Schedule).

Before switching year, you must generate new calendar years for each respective schedule calendar. Read more about how you Switch Year in the Switch Year chapter in the Using MONITOR Procedures guide.

Window Functions

Use Delete schedule calendar year under Edit to delete all the calendar records per year up to and including the year you entered.

Read more about the other Window functions under Window Functions in the MONITOR Basics.