You are here: Workshop Info > Authorize / Adjust > Shorter Working Hours > Printout Samples

Printout Samples

Here are a few printout examples of the different list types:

ClosedShorter Working Hours

This list shows the following information for each employee: Opening balance, the period's calculated change and the Closing balance. The period's change can be adjusted directly in the list before you execute the save using Save.


Sample of a Shorter working hours list.

ClosedExtended Shorter Working Hours

This list shows which days/hours that are eligible for shorter working hours during the selected period for each employee. In the list you can se from where the shorter working hours are loaded (From schedule in this example), schedule number, factor and SWH. Attendance, absence and shorter working hours are shown as totals. This is the calculation basis of the calculation used to save the balances in the list type Shorter working hours.

Sample of an Extended shorter working hours list.

ClosedMove Balances

The layout of the list is identical to list type Shorter working hours. The list shows the Opening balance, Change and Closing balance of the time balance selected in the Save total in field. You can make your changes directly in the list. Move the balances by clicking on Save.

ClosedHistorical Records

This list shows which previous time balances have been saved in this procedure, within the selected dates. The information shown is which user saved the balances, on which date, what type of save, the selected employee numbers and selected calculation dates.


Sample of a Historical records list.