You are here: Workshop Info > Authorize / Adjust > Authorize / Adjust Recording > The Calendar Tab

The Calendar Tab

Under the Calendar tab you will see the calendar for the employee that is selected in the list to the left. The calendar shows one week per row and one day is represented by a "calendar box". The calendar is used to authorize attendance. A calendar box can have the following colors:

In the calendar box you will see the clock-in and clock-out times, total absence, total overtime and total flex. Any differences between the working hours according to the real schedule and registered attendance time + absence time is shown in red digits.

If an employee has recorded Addition (daily allowance, travel time, etc.) this is displayed with a question mark in the calendar box.

You will now see the sign # in the calendar box if a comment has been entered for an attendance or work recording.

You can double-click on a calendar box and automatically load that calendar day to the Adjust tab where you can perform the adjustment.

You can select several days for authorization or adjustment by holding the Ctrl button and clicking on the desired calendar boxes. You can also select several days by selecting the first desired calendar box and then holding the Shift button and clicking on the last desired calendar box. To the left of the calendar you will find a checkbox that is used to select an entire row, that is a whole week. By right-clicking you can also select the whole month.

For a fully authorized day for an employee, the symbol is shown in the calendar box.

For each calendar day in the authorization window you will find a shortcut to the Recording List for the current day. This shortcut can be used to see more detailed information about the day without having to go to the Adjust tab. Here you will also see who has authorized the day.

Via the Info menu, that appears when right-clicking, you will find additional alternatives for the Calendar tab.