You are here: Workshop Info > Authorize / Adjust > Authorize / Adjust Recording > General Information about Authorize / Adjust Recording

General Information about Authorize / Adjust Recording

Why Use This Procedure?

This procedure is used to easily verify that the entire employee attendance recording is correct as well as to authorize recording, for example to be able to print a salary basis. This procedure is used to manually adjust (correct) both attendance and work recording as well as to add and delete recording.

On the heading row you can select an authorization interval and department in order to only view employees that belong to a certain department. Here you will also see the employee number that is selected in the employee list. You can choose to show employees that are fully authorized for the selected authorization interval.

Under the Calendar tab you can select the calendar days that you want to authorize or adjust. In the calendar you can see if there are days with absence or overtime (both authorized overtime and not authorized overtime), and if there are days without absence and overtime. You can also see if an employee is fully authorized for a calendar day. Each calendar day shows clock-in time, clock out time, total absence, total overtime/flex and the difference between the real schedule and the registered attendance time + absence time.

Under the Adjust tab you can adjust recording, but you can also authorize and "unauthorize" days. You can add and delete recording regarding attendance/absence/lunch or order-bound/not order-bound work. For work recording you can adjust Approved quantity and Rejected quantity. You can calculate the day according to the entered adjustment in order to see the effects of the adjustment before saving.

At the bottom of the window you will see information about accumulated recording amounts as well as about the employee's overtime settings.

Via the Info menu (when right-clicking) you will find links to additional functions.

Who Can Authorize and Adjust?

The rights to authorize and adjust recording can be granted in two ways:

Employees can be given rights to adjust their own attendance and work recording. This is determined by a setting under the section Recording Terminal under the Workshop Info tab in the Settings procedure. The employee can then link to this procedure from the Recording Terminal procedure by using the Info menu. The employees are only authorized to adjust their own recording. However, an employee can only adjust overtime types and absence codes for attendance recording.

Window Functions

Authorize employee - this alternative is available under the Calendar tab and it is used to authorize the employee that is selected in the list.

Set authorization interval - using this alternative you can change the authorization interval to the calendar days that are selected in the calendar.

Calculate day - if you select this alternative, you can calculate the selected calendar day in order to see how the entered adjustments. This way you can minimize the logging in the Adjustment log.

Send list of recording items to selected employees - if you select this alternative, a list will be attached as a PDF file when sending an e-mail message to each selected employee. The list contains all attendance recording items made by the employee within the authorization interval. An e-mail message is created and sent automatically to each selected employee. The selected employee must have recording items within the authorization interval and have a registered e-mail address under the Info tab in the Update Employee procedure.

Read more about the other Window functions under Window Functions in the MONITOR Basics.