You are here: Workshop Info > Schedules / Tables > Codes > Salary Type/Salary Code

Salary Type/Salary Code

Enter a number for the salary type/salary code. Use the same number as in the salary type table, often a three digit number.

One ground rule for salary codes is to distinguish them from salary types by using a prefix in the number, either a digit or a letter, followed by the number of one of the salary types.

Example: A salary code will be used to register paid overtime on weekdays, and should sum up (total) the salary types 102 Worked hours and 321 Overtime supplement weekdays. A suitable number for the salary code would then be P321 which indicates that it refers to "paid" overtime, and also shows that the supplement salary type is 321. For overtime comp you can use the letter C instead, for IWH the letter I and so on.