You are here: Workshop Info > Schedules / Tables > Group Settings > Overtime Types

Overtime Types

You can select four types of overtime at the same time: paid overtime, compensatory leave overtime, makeup time and on duty overtime. In combination with the first three types, you can also use flex time if this is allowed. This means that worked hours after the end of the regular working hours can be chosen to be registered as allowed positive flex plus overtime for the remaining time. This means that there are seven different types of overtime all in all: paid overtime, flex+paid, comp, flex+comp, makeup time, flex+makeup time and on duty overtime.

The overtime reimbursement for paid and comp overtime is provided according to the salary types entered in the overtime schedule, and for makeup time the salary type entered in the Group Settings procedure is applied.

Paid Overtime

Paid overtime means that all worked overtime is paid in cash.

Compensatory Leave

Compensatory leave (comp leave) is a type of overtime, which provides a compensation for overtime by giving hours of leave, or a combination of leave hours and payment, as agreed. For example, one hour of overtime may qualify you for 1.5 hours of comp. balance leave, or 1 hour for the comp. balance plus overtime allowance (or premiums) for 1 hour cash compensation. The hours you have in your comp. balance can later be taken out as comp. leave during core time (regular working hours).


Makeup time is similar to compensatory leave in that it allows you to take out worked overtime hours in leave during core hours. The difference is that "makeup time" is something that takes place at the employee's own request, for example in order to take a few hours of leave on another occasion, and is compensated with the same number of hours as worked overtime.
Compared this with compensatory leave, which is only given when the overtime is "ordered" by a superior, and is therefore also compensated at a higher rate.

Flex+Paid, Flex+Comp, Flex+Makeup

These three types are not as usual, and are used to take out overtime at the same time be allowed to take advantage of available positive flex.

Example: Regular working hours end at 4.00 p.m. but the flex zone ends at 4.30 p.m. A clock-out of overtime with overtime type "Flex+paid" at 7.00 p.m. would mean that the flex balance increases by 30 minutes and overtime compensation is given for 2.5 hours.

Suppose the flex balance is full. In that case, the system only registers overtime compensation for 2.5 hours and the employee loses 30 minutes. If the employee also has active work, then the work will still be provided time for the 30 minutes, even though no attendance is registered.

On Duty Overtime

Please note! This feature is not fully implemented in MONITOR Workshop Info as yet. The function will be:

On duty overtime is given if an employee has been requested to "be on duty" at work for some reason, during hours outside of regular working hours. In that case, you can enter a minimum value for which overtime will be compensated.
For example, if you enter two hours, then the employee will be compensated with at least two hours of overtime compensation, even if the worked overtime is less than that. Enter the number of hours in the On duty hours field.

Sort Order

This feature is used to change the order of the selected overtime types in the window that is used to select the desired overtime type when recording in the Recording Terminal. This can also be done for all employees that belong to a certain group settings in the Group Settings procedure.

Click on the icon to change the sort order. Then use the buttons Move up - Move down followed by Execute in the window that opens.