You are here: Workshop Info > Schedules / Tables > Update Schedule > Definition Window for Overtime Schedules

Definition Window for Overtime Schedules

In order to define the settings for the day types and their layout, a special definition window is used. The window opens automatically after you fill in the heading row and day types the first time you create a schedule, but it can also be opened at any time using the tool bar button Open definition window . First click the tab of the day type you want to define. You can also open it by double-clicking on the tab you want.

The different day type tabs.

An overtime schedule is defined by one or more so-called "salary type shifts", that indicate a time from which a certain combination of salary types for paid overtime and compensatory leave will apply. You can also enter an overtime factor, which gives recorded overtime leave more time in the comp. balance than the actual recorded overtime hours.

Add a row for a new salary type shift by using the button called Add. Delete a row by using the Delete button.