You are here: Workshop Info > Schedules / Tables > Update Schedule > Day Type

Day Type

Here you define how many different variations of the schedule are needed to define a working week. This is done by entering day types for each day of the week. If all days are given the same day type, then only one version is created. The maximum number is seven, since you cannot have more variations or versions than there are weekdays. If day type 0 is entered it means that this day is a "non-working day", that there is no work schedule defined for that day.

Example: To create a day schedule for a work week with the same schedule for Monday to Thursday, a special schedule for Friday and both Saturday and Sunday as non-working days, you enter as follows:


Image of the day type fields.

The result will be that two different versions of the schedule will be created and linked to the corresponding week days.

A night schedule is a little bit different. There you define the weekdays as Mon-Tues, Tues-Wed etc. since the schedule stretches over midnight into the next day.


Image of the day type fields for a night schedule.

For an overtime schedule, you cannot enter day type 0 since there must be an overtime schedule defined for every day.