You are here: Workshop Info > Recording Procedures > Group Recording > General Information about Group Recording

General Information about Group Recording

What is Group Recording?

This procedure is used to simultaneously start indirect work for a group of employees. It can be useful for meetings etc.

How Does the Procedure Work?

One of the group participants is the group recorder and performs the actual recording, by entering several employees as the group participants and an indirect work code for them all. When the recording is confirmed, all the group participants will automatically have started indirect work according to the selected code.

As regards the started work of the group participants, group recording means that:

All indirect work is finished.

All direct work is put on Standby.

When the group recording is finished, all the direct work for all the group participants is automatically re-started and work continues as usual.

Link to Recording Terminal

If an employee that is participating in Group Recording enters the Recording Terminal procedure, a question will automatically pop up asking if he or she should be clocked-out from the group recording.


Window Functions

Use Save to start a group recording or save any changes made to a group.

Use End group to end a group recording.