You are here: Workshop Info > Recording Procedures > Attendance List > Employee List

Employee List

This list will include employees based on the selections made under Recording type and Show employee. The info that is shown in the list is: employee number, first name, last name, date and time of the last clock-in/clock-out (Dir. = Direction), absence code with name, and department.

If the employee has entered a comment during his/her last recording, you will see a #C at the far right in the list (only displayed if there is a comment). You can read the comment by clicking on the Comment button under Info about the employee.

At the far left a symbol is shown, stating the status for attendance and work according to the list below:

Click in list to select an employee. In the Info about section you can then see the last recording made by that employee and additional information. In the section Work in progress for you will see information about ongoing work for the employee.