You are here: Manufacturing > Reporting > Quick / Rest Reporting > General Information about Quick / Rest Reporting

General Information about Quick / Rest Reporting

Why Use This Procedure?

The Quick / Rest Reporting procedure is used for operation and material reporting after a manufacturing order has been finished or started. The reporting performed here will update the stock balance and can be monitored in the Order List - Manufacturing procedure. Quick / Rest Reporting can only report planned values for the actual time used for operations, the actual quantity used for material, etc. There will be no post-calculation difference on time or quantity. However, if the prices for the material or worked time have changed since the order was registered, you will see a price difference in the post-calculation.

The price used during reporting is the one used in the post-calculation as the reported price. You can enter the price alternative that will appear by default for S-parts and P-parts under the heading Orders under the Manufacturing tab in the Settings procedure. The cost in SEK (or your company currency) per time unit for the reported time that is used in the post-calculation, is the cost that is entered in the work center register.

You can perform reporting for an entire project, an order or an individual part. If you want to report an incorporated part in an order, you must deselect the Entire box. You can then select any part number in that order.

If you are making a partial report in the Finished quantity field, the partial report quantity is summed up each time you perform partial reporting. You can also report a quantity that is greater than the rest quantity in the "Finished quantity" field. The loading and material reservations will be calculated in proportion to this reporting.

What Kind of Reporting Can Be Performed Here?

In the Quick / Rest reporting window you can perform quick reporting, rest reporting for untouched items, rest reporting for all items as well as delete rest. All the reporting in this window is performed using planned values.

Reasonability Check

There is a reasonability check that you can activate with a setting under the Orders heading under the Manufacturing tab in the Settings procedure. With this you can select to receive a warning if the balance is negative during reporting. The warning also displays the parts that get negative balances.

The setting can also be configured to block a reporting that generates a negative balance. However, this does not apply for Quick / Rest Reporting. Here you only receive a warning even though the setting has been set to "Block".


If you report a manufacturing order with subcontracts, the subcontracting cost is loaded for the operations from the operation rows in the preparation.

When reporting subcontracts, you can create a supplier invoice basis. This is determined by the setting Create supplier invoice basis during subcontract reporting? under Accounts Payable under the Purchase tab in the Settings procedure. In this case no subcontracting cost is reported here, but the subcontracting cost loaded from the subcontract in the preparation and added to the invoice basis and is shown when the invoice is registered in the Register Supplier Invoice procedure. We suggest that the supplier invoice basis is coded according to the settings on the product group / purchase account. Before you can create a supplier invoice basis, the purchase order number must exist in the system. It is created when you print the subcontract documents. If this has not been done, a warning message appears.

Please note. It is possible to Exclude from creation of subc. invoice basis per work center in the Update Work Center procedure.

Multiple Stock Locations

A part can have several stock locations. When reporting using multiple stock locations, the arrival of a finished part and withdrawal of consumed material based on if age analysis, priority or pick location is used for locations are performed.

When using age analysis the arrival is made to the stock location with the latest arrival date. The withdrawal of consumed material will then take place from the location that has the oldest arrival date. A balance check is made to make sure that the consumed material is covered by the balance on the location. If not, a withdrawal is made from the location with the second-oldest arrival date and so on.

When using priority the arrival and withdrawal are made to/from the stock location which has the highest priority (that is, the lowest number). You can also use a corresponding balance check if not using age analysis. The balance check when not using age analysis is activated by the setting "Balance check when quick reporting, if not using age analysis?”, under Locations under the Inventory tab in the Settings procedure.

If you use pick location, the location which has been registered as pick location is always used for withdrawal of consumed material.

You can also use the function that will always create new locations during reporting of finished parts. The locations will then be named using the *1001, *1002* format. Each reporting will then create a batch of parts with their own location. This is used when, for example, you need to separate all the arrived parts using different arrival dates. If you use the setting ”Create new location for arrival quick reporting using multiple locations?”, under Locations under the Settings procedure, the system always creates a new stock location during quick reporting.

If you use traceability on a part, the quantity entered will always be entered as arrived on a new location, that is named according to the abovementioned principle. This takes place regardless of whether or not you have configured the setting to create new locations.

Read more about how to use multiple stock locations in the Location section in the documentation of the Settings procedure.

Window Functions

Read more about the Window functions under Window Functions in the MONITOR Basics guide.