You are here: Manufacturing > Orders > Register Manufacturing Order > Purchase Order

Purchase Order

With the Purchase order setting activated, a purchase order (or purchase order suggestion) is automatically created for the purchase parts included in the current manufacturing orders. A purchase order can only be created for purchased parts with lot sizing rule Lot-for-lot (L) and also have a supplier link.

In connection to the saving of the manufacturing orders, the procedurePurchase Order Suggestion [From register manufacturing order] opens automatically with information concerning quantity, order and delivery period loaded according to the planning information for the concerned parts. You generate actual (real) purchase order rows by clicking on Run under Window functions in that procedure. In the list you can select which purchase order suggestions you want to include in the run. Read more in the Help Function for the Purchase Order Suggestion procedure.

When you replan a manufacturing order, the already generated purchase order suggestions are displayed with grey background. You will also see an yellow info box which informs you that purchase order already exist and that it might cover the need, it also provides order number, quantity and status of the order.

The opportunity to create purchase order from this procedure is governed by the setting Create purchase order from manufacturing order? under Automatic Purchase orders from Manufacturing order in the Manufacturing tab under Settings. In the same section in Settings you can, via other settings, determine if this feature should be default, how the goods label is to be entered, and if the manufacturing order number is to be entered on the purchase order.

Linked Requirement and Supply Planning for Purchased Parts with Lot Sizing Rule L

In this case, the setting Purchase order affects if and how linked purchase orders should be updated when replanning a manufacturing order.

Linked requirement and supply planning for purchased parts with lot sizing rule Lot-for-lot (L) is determined by the setting Linked requirement/supply planning for P-part (Lot-for-lot), under Requirements Planning under the Inventory tab in the Settings procedure.