You are here: Manufacturing > Parts > Preparation > The Comment Button

The Comment Button

You can enter a comment for each part. If you want to use this text as the default order text on manufacturing order, you must configure the setting Manufacturing comment for the part as order text?, under Orders under the Manufacturing tab in the Settings procedure. This Comment button also exists in the Update Part - Inventory procedure in the Inventory module, under the Manufacturing tab. You will also find a description of the Comment button under Entering Comments or Instructions in the chapter called MONITOR General Information in the MONITOR Basics guide.

By using the button Document viewer in this procedure and under the Manufacturing tab in the Update Part procedure, you can create links to drawing documents. The documents that you link will be printed when you print manufacturing orders, and can be viewed on your screen at different occasions in MONITOR. For each operation and material row in the preparation, you can link documents such as work flow instructions, inspection instructions etc.

To be able to link documents, you must have installed the supplement Document Viewing. Read more about the button Document Viewer in the chapter called MONITOR General Information in the MONITOR Basics.