The Planning Tab

The Planning tab contains the part's available planning parameters etc. These planning settings are used by the system during requirements planning.

Under Budget you enter Calculation method and the Year to which the budget applies. Under the Planning tab you will find useful information regarding the part's Budget and Classification. You will also find this information under the Budget and General tabs. Read more about this information in the Help Function under each tab.

Under the heading Turnover ratio you can see the Calculated turnover ratio and Actual turnover ratio. These turnover ratios are loaded from the Inventory Analysis procedure.

Under the Planning info heading you can select or enter the following planning parameters that determine the material planning for a part:

Also read more about:

If you have installed the supplement Warehouse Management you can create planning info for all warehouses. This is determined by the setting Create planning info for all WH when registering new parts?, under Part under the Inventory tab in the Settings procedure.