Finish Work Method

Default: Suggest Rest

Check this box if you want the system to automatically suggest a rest quantity when work is finished in the Recording Terminal.

Show: Goods Location

Check this option to allow operators to enter a goods location for the manufactured pieces when they finish intermediate operations (that are not the last operation). The operator that starts the following operation can then see what was entered when he starts work.

Show: Location

Check this box to allow operators to enter a location for the manufactured parts when they finish work on the last operation.

Show: Multiple Locations

Check this box to allow operators to enter multiple locations for the parts when they finish work on the last operation.

Tabs: Material

Check this box to show the incorporated material and consumed quantity for this work when the work is finished. Also see Manual material reporting below.

Tabs: Messages

Check this box if the Message tab should be shown during Finish work. This tab is used to send messages to individual operations within an order. This kind of message can also be sent from the Priority Planning procedure. Please see the Help Function for the Recording Terminal and Priority Planning procedures.

Tabs: Operations

Check this box if the Operations tab should be shown during Finish work in the Recording Terminal. This tab is used to see other operations on the order. This is useful if you for example want to see what has been approved or rejected in previous operations.

Tabs: Order Additional Text

Check this box if the Order Additional text tab should be shown during Finish work in the recording terminal. This tab is used to update the order additional text that is linked to a particular manufacturing order. It can also be updated in the Register Manufacturing Order procedure and read in the Order Info and Post-Calculation procedures, among others. Please see the Help Function for the Recording Terminal procedure.

Allow: Manual Material Reporting

Check this box if the operator should be allowed to manually report how much of the different incorporated material was consumed during this operation. This is required for parts with traceability, in order for the traceability to work. The operator must indicate from which location - that is, from which batch number - the material withdrawal was made.

Please Note! If you have configured the setting Automatic material reporting, under Start work under the Workshop Info tab in the Settings procedure, you cannot manually report the material. A warning text will appear in red font, see below. Please see the Help Function for the Recording Terminal, the mode Finish Work/Partial Report Work.


The warning during Automatic material reporting.

Allow: Add Material

Check this box in order for the employee to be able to add material in the Material Reporting procedure in the Manufacturing module. You open the procedure by right-clicking in the Recording Terminal when the work is reported as finished.

The setting Add material automatically gives the employee the user rights to add material in the Material Reporting procedure even if the employee does not have this authority in the Recording Terminal.