You are here: Custom Reports > System > Create Search Form > The Create Search Form Window

The Create Search Form Window

In the Create Search Form window you can build your own search form for a certain report that has been designed in Crystal Reports.

There is a row where a Procedure ID is selected for a menu item created in the C-module. Procedure IDs from the C-module starts with number 10 000. You also have to enter a name describing the new search form. If you want to specify a default sorting option using a certain row, you must enter the row number in the top right corner. You can also check a box if you want the search form to be printed by default. You can enter warehouse terms if warehouse management is in use.

You can select if the search form should be created for a Crystal Reports report, in which case the field Procedure object, the Userobject button and the field Search form for C-module will not be in use. In the Printer field you can select a predefined printer for the procedure ID in question.

In the center of the window there is a table, in which you manually can add or delete a number of predefined search form rows. You can enter RID and Datawindow to be listed. If the Crystal Reports selection has been checked you should enter a file name for Crystal Report instead of a datawindow. On a row in the table you can in the column WHERE clause for warehouse also enter terms for the warehouse, for the row in question.

At the bottom of the window you find the Create terms button, under which you can create terms for search form rows. It is then possible to for example enter the field in the database for which there should be selection options, which heading text that should be displayed in the search form for that row etc.

Using the buttons Export Search Form and Import Search Form it is possible to save all settings in the window to a text file or to load the corresponding text file. The Export "report object" is only used by Monitor personnel and our consultants.