You are here: Sales > Orders > Import EDI Orders > Other Information in the Order Header

Other Information in the Order Header

Below you will find a description of the order information provided in the order header. Most of this information is received via the EDI message (ORDERS) for a customer order.

The address rows can appear in plain text in the Orders import. In that case, that text is automatically saved as the delivery address when you save, using the delivery address customer code as the customer code. The actual delivery address is not displayed until the Orders-import has been saved as orders.

If you also receive an additional text linked to an order, this additional text is saved under the Additional text button in the customer order header once you have saved the Orders-import as customer orders. This text is visible here during import, if you maximize or expand the window to the right.

When importing orders with format 20 the goods receiver's phone number, mobile/SMS and e-mail address can be imported to be used when advising.

Accepted / Modified

Accepted is the standard status that is sent with order responses to the customer, if the information on the imported order rows is not modified. If you modify an order row, this status is automatically changed to Modified. You can also adjust the status manually.

Delivery Address

Here you can enter a customer code for the delivery address.

Order Confirmation

Here you can enter a customer code for the order confirmation (order response).

Customer Code Invoice

Here you can enter a customer code for the invoice (order response).


Here you can enter a code for the shipper (shipping agent).

Our Code

Here you can enter our supplier code with the customer.

Order Type

Here you can see an internal code for the order type of the EDI message.

Your Order Number

This field shows the customer's order number.

Your Order Date

This field shows the customer's order date.

Your Reference

Here you can enter the customer's reference person.

Payment Terms

Here you can select the terms of payment in number of days.


Here you can see the terms of payment in number of days. If you need to modify this, you must do so in the Payment terms field mentioned above.

Delivery Method

Here you can see the delivery method code. If you need to change the delivery method, you must do so in the Delivery method field below.

Delivery Terms

This is where you select the terms of delivery.


Here you can see the code for the INCOTERMS terms of delivery. These term codes can be entered in the term table in MONITOR in the Terms and Conditions procedure in Global Settings.


This field shows the destination city.

Delivery Method

Here you can select a delivery method.

Message Number / Sender

The first row refers to the message number, which is a sequential number. The second row contains the sender code for the message.

Phone Number

This field contains two rows for telephone numbers.

Manufacturing Order

You can create manufacturing orders from imported EDI customer orders if you have checked this setting, just like you can create manufacturing orders from customer orders that are registered in the Register Customer Order procedure.


This is where you select a language code.


This is where you select the currency.

Sequence / Contract

(In order to see this field and the following fields, you must maximize or expand the window to the right.) Here you can see a sequence number that the sender includes with the EDI message for this order. You can also see the contract number or agreement that you have made with the customer.

End Customer's Order Number / Phone Number

Here you can see the end customer’s order number and phone number, when the customer is a retailer or distributor.

Text Rows

There are six rows that can be used for additional text on orders. The additional text that you receive can be seen and modified here. The additional text rows are saved with the order and can be seen there using the Additional text button in the customer order header.