You are here: Sales > Orders > Import EDI Delivery Schedules > Information on Order Rows

Information on Order Rows

Each order row in the table consists of a number of columns which contain different information for each order row.

If there is a problem with an imported order row, different color codes will appear. Read more under Color codes on order rows. You can also control the order row, read more under the Info menu on order rows.

Order Number

Here you can see the order number for each order in a loaded delivery schedule. The order number only appears on the first order row. If you manually create a delivery schedule, the order number is generated when you save the delivery schedule. These fields cannot be changed.

Part Number

Here you can see the part number for each part in a loaded delivery schedule. The part number only appears on the first order row for that part. If you manually create a delivery schedule, the part number is shown here once it has been selected in the Part field in the order header. These fields cannot be changed.

New Period

This field shows the same delivery period that applies for the order rows under Current period in a loaded or imported delivery schedule. You can change this value, in case the delivery period should be modified. If you manually add a new order row in a new delivery schedule without any order rows, the system will suggest today's date/period. On new rows that are manually added later on, the New period is obtained by moving one week ahead at a time.

New Schedule

This field shows the same planned quantity of the part that applies for the order row under Current quantity in a loaded or imported delivery schedule. You can change this value, in case the quantity should be modified. If you manually add a new order row, you must enter the quantity to deliver here.


M stands for the order row's manufacturing status. The different M-statuses available are the same as the Row status under Extra row info on a regular customer order in MONITOR. These are:

If you enter a higher status than one (1), the order row will turn green. This means that the order row is NOT an actual order row.


This box is only checked if there are no problems or errors on the order row in the imported delivery schedule. If there is a problem on the row, it is not possible to check this box afterwards either. Only order rows with a check in the OK column are saved in the order register when you save a delivery schedule.

If you check or uncheck this check box on the 1st order row for a part number, a question will appear asking if you also want to check the following error-free rows in the same way.

If the cursor is in the order rows, you can use F9 to create an import with a short-term horizon. This takes place after the import is completed, but before the loaded schedule is saved. Imports with short-term horizons mean that only 3 calls per part are pre-selected with OK on the order rows. This can be very useful if you quickly want to save very large delivery schedules and then import them in full later on (at night, for example).

Reference Number

If a reference number is included in an order (such as the customer’s order number) in the loaded delivery schedule, it will be visible here. You can change this value if needed. If you want to include the reference number in orders when importing delivery schedule, you have to activate the Generate additional text rows with customer order number during import? setting, under the EDI heading under the Sales tab in the Settings procedure.

Current Period

This field shows the current delivery period that applies for the order row in a loaded or imported delivery schedule.

Current Quantity

This field shows the current quantity to deliver that applies for the order row in a loaded or imported delivery schedule.

Delivered Quantity

If a partial delivery has previously been made on an order row in an existing delivery schedule, the delivered quantity will appear here in red. More information about partial deliveries can be seen in the delivery note table or under the Delivery log... button.

Schedule Results

Here the bold font shows the planned or scheduled quantity to be delivered. If no partial deliveries have been made on this order row, this field shows the same value as the New qty. field. If a partial delivery has been made, which is shown under Delivered qty., the necessary deduction is made from the New qty. field. The rest quantity to deliver on the order row will be shown here.

Accumulated Total

Here you can see the accumulated total for the Schedule results for all the order rows for a part. If you change the quantity under New qty. then the accumulated total is recalculated based on that column, and then shown here.

Accumulated Difference

Here you can see the accumulated difference between Current quantity and Scheduled results on all order rows in an imported delivery schedule. If you change the quantity under New qty. then the accumulated difference is recalculated based on that column, and then shown here. If the difference falls below zero, it will appear in purple.

Delivery Note Number

Here you can see the delivery note number for an active pick list that is available for picking (before delivery is made).

Picked Quantity

Here you can see the booked quantity that is intended to be picked on this order row.

Both the Deliver note no. and the Picked qty. fields are fixed (also during a new import) when picking is in progress. The quantity that will be picked is always fixed and the quantity cannot be decreased when making a smaller order for the same period. An increase of the quantity is updated on the row and results in a larger rest after a completed delivery.

Ordered Rest

Here you will see the rest in past time that the customer regards as a rest on its order, at the time when the schedule is created and sent to MONITOR.


The deduction field belongs to the automatic adjustment of the difference, for deductions that can be selected during import. The automatic adjustment of difference is determined by the setting Log Imported Delivery Schedules and Warnings?, under the section EDI under the Sales tab in the Settings procedure.

The field displays the part quantity that the system has calculated should be deducted from the delivery schedule, depending on already delivered goods that has not reached the customer when the schedule was generated. This is also displayed with blue color in the Deduction and New qty. fields.