You are here: Sales > Orders > Order Inflow > The Create Tab

The Create Tab

Under the Create tab you select how to classify and select the list. In the upper portion of the window you will find a number of different classification and selection alternatives.

In the lower part of the tab you will find different list types to choose from. Under the heading Show... you can make different selections depending on what will be shown in the list. If you select the Only total list you can select a price alternative to which you can compare the CM and CR.

Under printout samples you can see samples of the different lists as well as comments regarding each list type.

Please Note! If you do not make any selections in the Create tab, it can take a very long time to load the list (depending on the size of the order register), since the procedure will analyze all the links to both the part register, customer register and seller register for all the customer orders. It will take extra long time if you have selected the list types Total / week, Total / month or Total / quarter.