You are here: Sales > Orders > Print Customer Order > The Create Tab

Search Form

When the procedure is opened, the Search Form appears. The window actually consists of two portions. The Closedleft portion of the Search Form appears first. Here you can select order by Order number, Customer code, Delivery period or Our reference.

The left portion of the Search Form in the Print Customer Order procedure.

The settings that exist here for printout are Type of form, Printout date, Price info, Print total amount, Copies, Only partially delivered orders, Reprint historical orders, To row status and Only not yet printed. If you have the supplement Document Viewing you will also find an alternative called External documents.

You can use one of the three printout methods when printing customer orders:

  1. Preliminary Selection
  2. Selecting Individual Orders
  3. Direct Printing via Intervals
  4. Send or Print According to the Order Setting

When you select one of these methods, the right portion of the Search Form will open. Depending on which method you have chosen, you can select the orders that you want to print or manually enter individual orders. The left portion of the window is in this mode no longer active.