You are here: Sales > Service Management > Report Service Order > The Rows Tab

The Rows Tab

After you have selected a service order in the Report Service Order procedure, the Rows tab is activated and a question appears asking if you want to Suggest the entire order as reported. If you say Yes, parts will be withdrawn from the stock balance and the order will be reported as finished with the planned quantity to invoice.

If you say No to the question, you must manually enter the quantity to report and actual delivery period on the order rows that should be partially or fully reported. You can also choose if you want to report entire quantity or if you want to delete the entire rest quantity.

Regardless of the selection made, you can add order rows using a button at the lower portion of the window. This can for example be made for material in order to report this separately.

After the service order has been partially or fully reported using Save, the Service report tab is activated and you can print the document. You can also print the service report in the Print Service Report procedure.