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General Information about Report Service Order

This procedure is a part of the supplement Service Management.

Why Use This Procedure?

This procedure is used to report service orders. For example when the service is performed In-factory or reported afterwards. You do not have to use this procedure if you report service orders in the MONITOR Mobile.

On the heading row you select the service order that you are going to report.

The order rows are partially or fully reported using a quantity. You can also add rows, for example material that was not entered when the order was registered. The order will get status 7 - In progress - if one or several rows are partially delivered. If the entire order is reported as finished and saved, the order status is set to 9 - Finished.

All reported service orders create invoice bases that must be authorized before invoices can be printed in the Print Invoices procedure. If you have activated the setting Default authorization of invoice bases before invoicing, under Service order under the Sales tab in the Settings procedure, the invoice status will be set to pending and must be authorized/released in the Authorize / Release Invoice Basis procedure before it can be printed. If the setting Invoice is pending is selected for the customer, the invoice must also be authorized/released before it can be printed.

The procedures consists of the tabs Main, Service, Rows, Activities and Service report. The actual reporting is mainly made under the Rows tab and this tab is also selected by default.

The Report Service Order procedure is similar to the procedure Delivery Reporting (for customer orders). However, one difference is that there is no particular procedure used to undo a service order reporting such as the Undo Delivery Reporting procedure is used to undo a delivery reporting. Instead you must perform a "negative reporting", see below.

Undo/Adjust Reporting

If you want to undo/adjust a previous reporting, you can enter a negative quantity on the order rows in order to perform a "negative reporting".


Parts blocked for reporting of customer orders are also blocked for reporting of service orders.

Customers blocked for reporting are also blocked for reporting of service orders.

There are a number of system settings which determine the different functions in this procedure.

Reasonability checks, block for excess reporting and block for deleting rest, can be used. These reasonability checks and blocks with limits for excess reporting and deleting can be activated by settings.

The settings are described in detail under Orders / Quotes under the Sales tab in the Settings procedure.

Window Functions

Read more about the Window functions under Window Functions in MONITOR Basics.