You are here: Sales > Service Management > Register Service Order > Nonconformity


Here you can create a new customer nonconformity based on the service order or choose to link an existing nonconformity to the service order. When a defect is discovered on a product you can create a new nonconformity based on the service order. To be able to create a new nonconformity, a serial number must have been selected in the Serial number field in the heading row.

If you have selected the alternative Create nonconformity, a window opens when the order is saved in which you can see the customer code and part number for the created nonconformity. By clicking the button Continue >> in that window, the Register Nonconformity procedures opens automatically with much information about the serial number and service order already loaded. If it is a supplier nonconformity, the current supplier link is suggested. If there is no current supplier link, you must select a supplier manually.

If you have selected the alternative Link existing nonconformity, you can select an existing nonconformity number.

You will also see which nonconformity number that has been created/linked and the current status for that nonconformity.

By right-clicking an opening the Info menu you can link to the Register Nonconformity procedure with the right nonconformity number loaded.