You are here: Sales > Service Management > Register Service Plan > The Rows Tab

The Rows Tab

The Rows tab shows all order rows registered for each service plan.

On the rows you select Serial number, Period and Service type. You also enter a Time used. When you add a new row you will get a suggestion to use the same information as on the row prior to the new row. The previous row's serial number, period + number of work days between periods, service type and the time used, will be suggested.

When saving a new order row, the box Release is activated. If you check this box you can release the row to a service order (see below).

Release of Service Orders

When you have checked the box Release on one or several rows and then save, a question appears asking if you want to create [X] number of service orders. ([X] = the number of rows with the Release box checked). In a separate window you select which status the released orders should have. You can select status 0 Quote and 1 Registered. This is determined by the setting Default status on new service orders, under Service Orders under the Sales tab in the Settings procedure.

A message appears informing you that [X] number of orders have been created. A question also appears asking if you want to print the order/orders.

One service order is created for each released row. The order number is taken from the number series and the customer code is the current owner of the serial number. The serial number on the row will be loaded to the serial number on the order. The period is set as Finish date and the service type and time used are entered. The part rows are loaded from the basic data for the service type.

The released rows will disappear from the tab (in the same way as order suggestions when generating actual orders).