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General Information about Register Service Plan

This procedure is a part of the supplement Service Management.

Why Use This Procedure?

This procedure is used to register planned service engagements in the future for specific serial numbers. For example annual service. These are not actual service orders. They are more like forecasts, but unlike forecasts they are planned and agreed together with the customer. This can be compared with a car’s maintenance book where there are planned service engagements after certain mileages. However, in this case the time is considered and not the distance.

In the Requirement Calculation, Run Netting and Run Netting Manufacturing Forecast procedures in the Inventory module you can choose to include service orders in the calculations. The plan's date on the row will then be used as requirement date. The service type on the plan can have linked parts registered in the basic data. These parts will then be included in the requirement calculations with the date and quantity generated from the plan.

Under the Plan tab, you create service plans using a time interval in number of work days.

Under the Rows tab you then link one or several serial numbers to each plan with period, service type and time used.

Window Functions

Read more about the Window functions under Window Functions in the MONITOR Basics guide.