You are here: Sales > Delivery > Delivery List > The Delivery Note Tab

The Delivery Note Tab

The ClosedDelivery note tab is activated when you save in the Delivery reporting tab. From here you print the delivery note (delivered) per order. The form used is the same as in the Print delivery note (delivered) procedure.


The Delivery Note tab in the Delivery List.

In the upper part of the tab, you will see information concerning the delivered orders, such as customer code, order number, which delivery number the delivery refers to and a column for delivery note number (this column is updated with a number when the printout is approved). The information displayed in grey is not possible to modify. You can send the delivery note via e-mail from this procedure.

To the right a default number of copies to be printed is suggested. Further to the right there is a check box where you can select whether to make a printout of the row or not.

After the printout a form check is performed and when it is approved the number on the delivery note is updated.

The lower part of the tab consists of a preview window where the delivery note for the selected row is displayed.