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General Information about Price Import

Why Use This Procedure?

In the Price Import procedure you can easily import price lists and supplier prices from regular text files. You can also import standard price and future standard prices in the procedure.

If you have activated the setting Use future price in price lists, customer/supplier links?, under Price Management under the System tab in the Settings procedure, you can also choose future supplier price and future price list.

Some suppliers offer, for example, updated price lists in the form of text files or calculation sheets. In this procedure you can load such text files automatically to avoid having to enter the prices manually. You configure and enter the order of the fields in the text files. These settings can be saved as templates per supplier or generally. The same settings/selections that were used during the previous import will then be suggested when a new import from the same supplier is made.

Price Import Conditions

Price import can be made from text files. The text file has to contain part numbers and prices in two columns. It can either be our part number or the supplier's part number. Each part should take up one row in the text file. All values that you want to import have to be positioned on the same row in their own columns.

For column separator you have to use tab, comma, or semicolon. The decimal separator in the price column should be period (.) or comma (,). The text file can also be created in for example Excel.

Sample from a text file.

To supplier prices you can import the following fields: Part number, Setup price, Discount, Supplier's part number, Price, Comment, Lead time, Valid through date and Brand.

To price lists you can import the following fields: Part number, Price, Setup price, Comment and Valid through date.

To future supplier prices and future price lists you can import the following fields: Part number, Future setup price, Future valid through date and Future price.

You can then choose to include these fields in the import and it is also possible to change the order of the columns.

To be able to import supplier prices, the selected supplier must have part links (parts with supplier links is the same). When importing purchase prices, it is possible to select which type of Part number that shall be used for the import.

In order to import price lists, the part numbers in the text file must correspond to our part numbers in the part register. If the part numbers in the file is not found in MONITOR, a warning appears together with a list of part numbers that do not match.

Window Functions

Read more about the Window functions under Window Functions in the MONITOR Basics guide.