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Receiving Inspection

Select whether or not receiving inspection should be performed for the part at arrival. The default alternative is No. This means that the part is added directly to the stock during arrival reporting.

If you select Yes the part is placed in a register for receiving inspection during arrival reporting. The procedure called Receiving Inspection List shows what has been arrival reported but not inspected. During reporting after receiving inspection in the Receiving Inspection Reporting procedure, the approved quantity is transferred to stock and the stock balance is updated.

If you have selected Interval, the receiving inspection will be made according to the interval entered under the Interval button on the supplier link. If you have not entered an interval under the Interval button, 100% will be given a receiving inspection. The procedure called Receiving Inspection List shows what has been arrival reported but not inspected. During reporting after receiving inspection in the Receiving Inspection Reporting procedure, the approved quantity is transferred to stock and the stock balance is updated.

Please note that the receiving inspection on the supplier will override the receiving inspection entered for the part.

The Instructions Button

If you have set the Receiving inspection alternative to Yes, this button is activated. Here you can enter texts or instructions regarding the receiving inspection for that part. If you have installed the supplement Document Viewing the Document Viewer button is also visible. This button is used to link external documents such as inspection instructions. The linked documents can be configured with the setting AutoPrint. The documents will then be printed automatically during the arrival reporting in the Arrival Reporting procedure.