You are here: Purchase > Arrival > Bar Code Arrival Reporting > The Bar Code Arrival Reporting Window

The Bar Code Arrival Reporting Window

The Bar Code Arrival Reporting window consists of a table, where you are supposed to enter the information from left to right and where you enter all necessary information on one row.

The column headings in the Closedleft portion of the window, with blue background color, are fields where you can make entries. Under each column you will find entry fields. Once you save a row, all fields are greyed out and no additional reporting can be made on that row. However, the fields Qty/pkg, Labels and Label type can be modified when re-printing transport labels. The available entry fields on an order row are:

The entry fields in the left portion of the window.

The column headings in the Closedright portion of the window, with green background color, are only information fields. Here you will see information from the reported purchase order and order row. These fields are continuously updated during the reporting. The available information fields are; Order number, Supplier, Your order number, Part number, Your part number, Ordered quantity, Delivered quantity, Rest quantity, Delivery period (planned), Receiving inspection, Info and Arrival status.

The information fields in the right portion of the window.

At the Closedbottom of the window under Info, you will see color codes with short explanations of the colors a row can get during registration of data.

Information about color codes on order rows.

By using the Info menu, accessed by right-clicking, you will find additional functions in the window as well as the ability to show/hide certain columns.