You are here: Purchase > Orders > Register Purchase Order > The Payment Plan Tab

The Payment Plan Tab

The Payment plan tab is shown if you have selected the setting Manage Payment Plans on Purchase Orders, under Payment plans under the Purchase tab in the Settings procedure. This tab is greyed out if no payment plan is selected in the order header.

Here you can get an overview of the total order value, what has been invoiced and what is left to be invoiced.

In the top portion of the tab you will see which payment plan template that has been selected in the order header. By using the button Recalculate amount the payment plan will be updated. This is useful when, for example, an addition has been made on the order row and the order value is thereby higher than the payment plan amount.

The different partial invoice rows in the payment plan are shown in the middle of the tab. These rows can be modified, you can for example add and delete rows. If you change the percentage on the rows the amount will be changed as well, and vice versa. This takes place automatically. A row can be changed as long as the partial invoice is not released and/or the invoicing is not started or finished.

It is possible to round-off the price to the nearest whole currency unit by using the setting Round-off Amounts Automatically in the Payment Plan, under Payment plans under the Purchase tab in the Settings procedure. The round-off difference will then be added to the last partial invoice (row) in the payment plan.

Under the partial invoice rows you will see what has been invoiced and what is left to be invoiced as a percentage of the total order value.

For partial invoice rows (the type Delivery) you will find Arrival settings regarding advance/subsequent invoices. You will also find a check against unpaid advance invoices.

For partial invoice rows (the types Advance and Subsequent) there is a section called Extra information for partial invoice. Here you can enter VAT code for each partial invoice row.

At the bottom of the window you will see the order value total, what is invoiced/not invoiced and the payment plan amount.

You can select and "release" an invoice basis for a partial invoice directly from the order registration. You can thereby link a supplier invoice to an invoice basis in the Register Supplier Invoice procedure when an order is registered. The release of partial invoices is made by using the selection Release supplier invoice basis in the Info menu by right-clicking. You will also find alternatives to undo and delete an invoice basis.

Invoice bases can also be released in the Register Supplier Invoice procedure when an invoice is registered.

In the Payment Plan List you can see what has been linked to an invoice and what is left to be linked. There you can also release invoice bases for partial invoices for several orders, for example based on invoice period.