You are here: Purchase > Orders > Register Purchase Order > Transport Time for Order

Transport Time for Order

Here you can change and save the transport time (in work days) per order in the field "T-time for order". This may be useful if the delivery method is changed. This transport time overrides the transport time entered for the supplier. This field will by default show the transport time entered for the supplier under the Info tab in the Update Supplier procedure. If no transport time has been entered for the supplier, this field displays zero days.

If you enter a transport time > 0, the system will deduct the transport time from the delivery period entered on an order row. The new delivery period will then be printed on the purchase order form. A text that appears under Delivery method on the printed form will say "Del. period = shipped your warehouse". If the transport time on the order is 0, the text "Delivery period = arrival our warehouse" will be printed on the form.

These texts used as clarifications for delivery periods on the purchase order forms can be updated on rows 152-153 in the table in the Languages procedure in the Global Settings module. If these texts should not be printed at all, you can delete them here.

Please note. The transport time is loaded from the General calendar, which means that if it for example concerns a transport by boat which takes several weeks, then the non-working days should be deducted. That is, you should write a lower number of days and then MONITOR will add the non-working days to make it the correct number of days in the planning. The transport time should be included in the lead time.

Example: For a transport by boat that will take three weeks (21 days) you should enter 15 days as transport time and MONITOR will then add 6 non-working days.