You are here: Inventory > Requirements Planning > Deducting Sales Forecast > Work Flow

Work Flow

Managing a new forecast or new forecast rows:

  1. Create a new forecast and/or forecast rows in the Register Sales Forecast procedure. If you have changed existing forecast rows by mistake, this change will not apply. One alternative is to load the sales forecast as a text file via the Import EDI Delivery Schedule procedure in the Sales procedure.
  2. The deduction in this procedure starts with copying newly registered forecast values to the initial forecast values. When the copying is completed the sales forecast will be deducted.

Changing existing forecasts:

  1. In this procedure you choose list type List and enter the part number as well as period interval for the forecasts that shall be changed and then you load the list.
  2. Update the Initial forecast column. If you have changed the column Net forecast by mistake, this change will not apply.
  3. The new initial forecast will be deducted with customer order and saved to the sales forecast.

Please Note! If you want to reset the sales forecast for a certain period you must reset both columns.

Purging reset forecast rows:

  1. In the Register Sales Forecast procedure you place the cursor on the reset forecast row and click F6. This way the forecast row will be deleted, in both the net forecast as well as in the initial forecast. You can also use the Forecast List procedure where you can delete forecast rows in past time as well as reschedule old forecast rows by right-clicking.

Please remember: