You are here: Inventory > Physical Inventory > Continuous Physical Inventory - List > The Create Tab

The Create Tab

In the Create tab you select which range of parts that will be selected and that you want to include in the list. There are several different selection options.

Further down in the create tab there are several settings of how to load physical inventory list. They are divided into groups under the following headings:

Whether a part is loaded or not to the selection list in the Selection tab, depends on the settings and selections made here in the create tab:

  1. Normally, the part has got the current month as its physical inventory period. The part will then be included in the list if it has not been inventoried earlier this month, or if it is not included in an already printed physical inventory list.
  2. If a requested inventory exists for the part it can also be included. This can be configured in the Physical Inventory Request procedure.
  3. If a part has a lag in it's planned physical inventory it can be included. This means parts that should have been inventoried earlier but has not been. You can limit how far back in time you want to include lags.
  4. If a part should be inventoried next month. These parts are not included by default. However, it can be useful to include them at the end of the month when the current month's physical inventory has been completed and you want to start with next month's physical inventory.
  5. If a part was inventoried last month, but it's physical inventory month was actually the current month, you can choose not to include it. This can apply in cases where you last month used the buffer time and performed an inventory for parts one month earlier than planned.