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General Information about Trace Part

You will find a general description of how to manage lists in MONITOR in the chapter Managing Lists in the System under General in the MONITOR Basics guide.

What Does This Procedure Do?

Under the Create tab, you can load two different lists - Sales and Purchase - for parts that have traceability. Please read more about the conditions that apply to traceability in the Using MONITOR Procedures guide, under Traceability.

Tracing Parts - From Customer to Manufacturing Order Number

If you select list type Sales, you can use a customer code, customer order number or part number to figure out which manufacturing order was used to deliver a particular customer order number. You can then use the manufacturing order number, for example, to see to which customer orders deliveries have been made from the same number. That number can also be used in the Batch Number List procedure, to see which batch number an incorporated part has from the supplier.

Tracing Parts - From Manufacturing Order Number to Batch Number

In the Batch Number List procedure, you can use the manufacturing order number to find the batch number that the material withdrawal was made against. Batch numbers are obtained from suppliers, and entered on the location during arrival reporting of the part's purchase order row.

Tracing Parts - From Batch Number to Supplier

If you use the list type Purchase, you can use the supplier’s batch number to find a particular purchase order number and supplier for a part.

Window Functions

Read more about the Window functions under Window Functions in the MONITOR Basics guide.

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