You are here: Inventory > Product Register > Print Claim > General Information about Print Claim

General Information about Print Claim

You will find a general description of how to manage lists in MONITOR in the chapter Managing Lists in the System under General in the MONITOR Basics guide.

What Does This Procedure Do?

Here you print a claim list. You can register claims for sold products using different inform such as reject codes, different claim costs or expense, the "causing part" number (that caused the rejection), supplier etc.

You can then create a claim list with this information for product claims, in order to summarize the claims (complaint) costs etc.

You can sort this list using the following alternatives: Type designation, Customer code, Part number, Reject code and Causing part number. This way, you can see how the claim costs are allocated (divided) between these different alternatives.

Window Functions

Read more about the Window functions under Window Functions in the MONITOR Basics guide.

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