You are here: Accounting > Fixed Assets > Register Fixed Asset Groups > General Information about Register Fixed Asset Groups

General Information about Register Fixed Asset Groups

What Does This Procedure Do?

This procedure is used to register, modify and delete fixed asset groups.

The purpose of fixed asset groups is to gather the company's fixed assets in different groups such as office equipment, workshop equipment, etc. Accordingly, each group must contain the same type of fixed assets with the same depreciation period.

The fixed assets are created and linked to fixed asset groups in the Register Fixed Asset procedure.

The different fixed asset groups must be created in a way that corresponds to the fixed asset accounts in the Chart of Accounts.

For each fixed asset group, different accounts are entered for scheduled and calculated, if any, depreciations. This information is then joint for all objects linked to the fixed asset group in question.

For the scheduled depreciations you can enter accounts for fixed assets, depreciation provision, depreciation, profit and loss. You can also enter the depreciation percent here. For calculated depreciations you enter debit account, credit account and depreciation percentage. The entered accounts must be registered in the Chart of Accounts procedure.

The percentages entered for depreciation of the fixed asset groups applies for the entire year. The system calculates the depreciations per day, that is, a depreciation for January will give a larger depreciation amount than the one for February, as there is a difference in number of days. Please note that all objects linked to a certain fixed asset group will be depreciated according to the same percentage.

Under the Accounting tab, in the Settings procedure in the Global Settings module, there are settings concerning the Fixed Asset register.

Window Functions

Read more about the Window functions under Window Functions in the MONITOR Basics guide.