You are here: Accounting > Fixed Assets > Outline


Under the Fixed Assets menu in the Accounting module, you will find procedures that are related to how the system manages fixed assets.

Below you will find a brief description of all the procedures that can be found under the Fixed Assets menu in the Accounting module of a complete MONITOR system.

Register Fixed Asset Groups

In this procedure you can register, change and delete fixed asset groups. The purpose of fixed asset groups is to gather the company's fixed assets in different groups such as office equipment, workshop equipment, etc. The fixed assets are created and linked to the fixed asset groups in the Register Fixed Asset procedure.

Register Fixed Asset

This is where you register the acquired fixed assets. You can also delete fixed assets here. When registering fixed assets, information is given about acquisition value, serial number, location, work center, category, etc. Furthermore, information about the fixed asset's scheduled depreciation is displayed here. If the object shall belong to a cost center, a cost unit or a project, this is also entered here.

Historical Acquisitions

This is where you register previously acquired fixed assets. This procedure is therefore mainly used when starting up the MONITOR system. Acquisitions are continuously registered in the Register Fixed Asset procedure.

Replacement Value Adjustment

This is where you can change or index-adjust the replacement value of a fixed asset. The replacement value, or the acquisition value, is used as a basis when making the calculated depreciations of a fixed asset. This procedure is therefore useful when you decide that the replacement value is to be used as a basis for the calculated depreciation.

Sales / Retirement of Assets

This procedure is used when you dispose of a fixed asset. Here you can register a reason for the disposal: Sales, Retirement or Other. The difference between sales and retirement is that the sales price of a retired fixed asset is zero. If the disposal concerns a main fixed asset, the underlying objects will be included in the sale of the main object.

Scheduled Depreciation

This is where you calculate the scheduled depreciation and the residual value of objects in the fixed asset register. Calculations can be made for an optional period and for optional fixed asset groups or fixed asset objects. When executing depreciation, a total accounting order is automatically created which is then transferred to a voucher for the accounting. The depreciation is performed according to the entered percentage for the current fixed asset group in the Register Fixed Asset Groups procedure.

Extra Depreciation

This is where you manually make extra depreciation. You can make depreciation with any amount. Extra depreciation can be made for an optional period and the new residual value is automatically calculated by the system. When executing depreciation, an accounting order is automatically created which is then transferred to a voucher for the accounting.

Tax Depreciation (Swedish Taxation Legislation)

This is where you calculate the tax depreciations. The calculation is made according to the financial method, which includes two alternate calculation methods; the general rule and the supplementary rule. A comparison between these methods can be made in order to see what method that gives the lowest residual value allowed of the fixed assets, that is, the highest depreciation allowed.

Calculated Depreciation

This is where you make calculated depreciations for each fixed asset. Calculations can be made for an optional period and for optional fixed asset groups or fixed asset objects. When executing depreciation, a total accounting order is automatically created which is then transferred to a voucher for the accounting. Depreciation is performed according to the entered percentage for the current fixed asset group in the Register Fixed Asset Groups procedure.

Budgetary Depreciation

Here you can simulate depreciation for e.g. the next accounting year as a basis for the budget work. This created basis can either be printed in detail per fixed asset or as a totaled accounting order that will not update any accounting records. The accounting order can be printed as a total or per month.

Fixed Asset Group List

The procedure called Fixed Asset Group List is used to see which fixed asset groups the company has got, in order to update and print them. The fixed asset groups are registered in the Register Fixed Asset Groups procedure.

Fixed Asset List

Here you can print lists of all registered fixed assets and fixed asset groups. The fixed assets are registered in the Register Fixed Asset procedure. Information about for example acquisition values, depreciations, residual values and sales prices is displayed in these lists.

Physical Inventory List

This is where you can list all fixed assets/equipment, which list can be used as a basis for physical inventory. The object's number and name are listed together with its group, serial number and where it is located. It is possible to make notes for each object and confirm whether or not the physical inventory has been performed/OK.

Print Labels

This is where you print labels to mark all objects in the fixed asset register. You print one label per object and you can also print labels for a selection of objects. In the Create tab you select the label size and text size. You can also select what information to be printed on the labels.

Insurance Review Basis

Here you can print information about the fixed assets' acquisition date and value, residual value and insurance amount (replacement value). The report is used only as an insurance review basis.

Rename Fixed Asset

This is where you can rename individual or several fixed assets. The procedure consists of a list where the new object numbers are entered manually or listed automatically from a consecutive number series selected in the Create tab.