You are here: Accounting > Fixed Assets > Historical Acquisitions > General Information about Historical Acquisitions

General Information about Historical Acquisitions

What Does This Procedure Do?

This procedure is used to register earlier acquired fixed assets. To be able to register fixed assets in this procedure, they must have been acquired prior to the current accounting year. This procedure is therefore mainly used when starting up the Fixed Asset Register. In order to continuously register acquisitions that have been made in the current accounting year you use the Register Fixed Asset procedure.

When registering, each fixed asset has to be linked to a fixed asset group. Fixed assets do not have to belong to the same fixed asset group. The groups are registered in the Register Fixed Asset Groups procedure.

The user has to enter the scheduled depreciation that is accumulated for the fixed asset. Information about the residual value is also given. There are also fields showing when and by whom the fixed asset was created. The corresponding information is displayed regarding modifications.

For further information regarding all the data that can be entered in the procedure, please see the Help Function in the Register Fixed Asset section.

Window Functions

Read more about the Window functions under Window Functions in the MONITOR Basics guide.