You are here: Accounting > Current Accounting > Report Generator > The Report Tab

The Report Tab

Here you enter general information about the report such as name, description, print level etc.


Enter a name for the current report.


Here a general description of the report can entered. The description appears under the section Info in the Search Form when the current report is selected.

Print Level

Here you enter if the printout of the current report shall be made at account level, cost center level or cost unit level. A printout at account level means that balances for object levels are accumulated and shown as a total for the account. A printout at cost center level means that the balance for a single account is shown with a separate row for each cost center.

Show Last Used Voucher Number

Select whether or not the last used voucher number is to be shown for each voucher number series at the end of the report.

Created by

This information field shows which user that has created the report and when.

Modified by

This information field shows which user that has modified the report and when.

Protect from Changes

Here you select if the report in question should be protected from changes made by other users.

Country Package

Here you can enter to which country the report belongs. When a new report is created the system will automatically suggest the country code entered in the Company Info procedure. It is possible to change from the suggested country code to another country code. But the code you enter must be a valid country code from the country code register. The field cannot be left empty.

The Print Report Definition Button

Click on this button to print a definition of the report layout. These report definitions can only be printed, not displayed on your screen.