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General Information about Report Generator

What Does This Procedure Do?

This procedure is used to print reports from the Accounting. The procedure is an important aid to compile financial information about the company. A number of standard reports are delivered with the system. Furthermore, it is possible to create customized reports. The design of these reports is defined by the user. By copying existing reports you can easily edit and modify a report according to your requests.

The reports in this procedure are useful when you work with periodic statements and annual financial statements. Apart from Income Statements and Balance Sheets concerning the entire company, financial information about parts of the company can be presented. Financial reports on individual projects or cost centers are examples of such reports. Other important features in this procedure provide you with the opportunity to present budget values or to see comparisons between the current status and the result of previous years.

The MONITOR system is delivered with the standard reports Income Statement and Balance Sheet, which are designed according to the Swedish Annual Accounts Act. The reports are available both for companies that use the BAS 96 and the BAS 2000 or later versions.

The reports can be printed for a certain period or a whole year. Selections can also be made between accounts, cost centers and projects. You can also make a selection for accounting years other than the current accounting year. Reports showing data for rolling periods back in time can be constructed, e.g. for the last 12 months. (Is not included in any standard report.)

If foreign names have been registered for accounts, cost centers, cost units and projects, it is possible to print the reports in another language. You can also print the reports in foreign currencies. The amounts are converted according to the registered exchange rate. Exchange rates are entered in the Currencies procedure in the Global Settings.

When you open the procedure, the Report Generator window appears containing different Country packages and a list of all existing reports. Selections, if any, and settings for language and currency should be made before printout. The reports can both be printed and displayed on the screen.

When creating or editing reports, a new window is opened containing three tabs:

When previewing reports on the screen in the Report Generator, you can link to the Balance Info and Chart of Accounts procedures via the Info menu by right-clicking.

Under printout samples, you can see a sample of a report printout.

This procedure also supports export of reports to file.

Window Functions

Select Edit report in the Search Form to open the editing window in order to create or modify a selected report. The editing window can also be opened by double-clicking in the wanted report in the Search Form.

Select Copy report in the Search Form to create a copy of an existing report.

First select the report that shall be copied. Then click the Copy report button. A dialog box is shown where the name of the new report is entered, then press the button Copy. A new report with exactly the same layout as the original report is now available in the Search Form.

Use Delete in the Search Form to delete a selected report. In the Edit report window you use the same button to delete a row.

Use Create in the Search Form to create a Closednew report. Enter a name for the new report and click the Create button. A new report with the entered name is now displayed in the Search Form. In the Edit report window you use the same button, now called Insert, to insert a new row.


The dialog box for creating a new report.

Use File | Load report from file to load a report that has been saved on the hard drive or other storage media. The file format of the report files is *.txt.

Use File | Save report to file to save the selected report as a text file on the hard drive or other storage media. Report files can be saved with any chosen file name in the file format *.txt.

Use File | Copy from another company... to copy reports from another company. Then select the company that you wish to copy from in the list, and also select which report and click on the Copy button.

Read more about the other Window functions under Window Functions in the MONITOR Basics guide.

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