You are here: Accounting > Current Accounting > Report Generator > The Report Generator Window

The Report Generator Window

When the procedure is opened, the Report Generator window first appears since it is a central part of the procedure. Here you select which reports you want to print, edit, copy or delete. A list containing all reports is displayed to the left in the window. Here you select the reports that you wish to print or edit, etc. General Information about the selected report, and by whom and when it was created, is displayed in the upper right part of the window.

In the Selection section you enter the selection for the reports which will be printed, e.g. which period or which type of report. Reports can be printed per account, cost center, cost unit or project.

Under Settings there are opportunities to enter which language or which currency that is to be shown in the report. The report can also be printed in compact form or with amounts displayed in thousands. If classification has been made at any of the object levels, you can insert a page break for each cost center, cost unit or project that is printed. You can also decide if blocked cost centers or cost units shall be printed.

Under printout samples, you can see a sample of a report printout. This procedure supports export of reports to a file. Also see file format and file name.