You are here: Accounting > Current Accounting > Register Vouchers > Type


In this field you can choose to copy, reverse or rectify a previously registered voucher.

If you choose Copy voucher or Reverse voucher you can, in the fields below, select accounting year and voucher number of the voucher that you want to copy/reverse. The entered voucher's text and coding are then automatically loaded according to the original voucher or completely reversed if you have chosen Reverse voucher. After loading the original voucher, it can be adjusted before it is saved as a new voucher.

If you choose Rectify voucher, you can also select accounting year and voucher number of the voucher that you want to rectify. In this case, no text or coding will be loaded to the selected voucher but you must add new and corrected coding rows manually. The button called Show coding... is then activated. In the window that opens when clicking the button you will see the coding of the original voucher as support when rectifying. Once the voucher has been rectified it will be saved as a new voucher.

A cross-reference between the different vouchers is automatically created and can be seen in the Print Journal procedure.

The alternatives in this field can also be accessed by using Create voucher in the Info Menu when right-clicking in the coding rows.