You are here: Accounting > Current Accounting > Register Vouchers > Voucher Number Series

Voucher Number Series

Here you will see the registered voucher number series. You can have up to 99 series registered. Please note that the number series 20 is reserved for the Periodic Statement. The different number series are defined in the Voucher number series procedure in the Global Settings module. If the integration of journals from MONITOR's administration modules is applied, you have to enter the number series for these as well. This is done in the Global Settings module, in the Number Series procedure.

Under this heading there are three different columns.

In the Series column, the current voucher number series is displayed.

In the Name column, the name of the current voucher number series is displayed.

In the Current number column, the next available voucher number in the current number series is displayed. This voucher number will be registered for the next voucher that is registered in the system.

Please note that blocked number series are displayed as red fields. When registering vouchers, the series that is presently used is blocked. Locked number series can be unlocked in the Purge Edit Lock-up procedure in the Global Settings module.