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Printout Samples

Below you will find a few samples and detailed descriptions of the different list types that can be selected under the Create tab in the Register Project procedure.


In the Standard list you will find the following information about each project; Project number, Name, Responsible, Type, Group, Start time, End time, Status, Priority, Customer code, Our order number, Your order number, Our reference, Your reference, Category and Seller. In this list most of the fields can be updated.

Sample of the left portion of the Standard list.

Sample of the right portion of the Standard list.


In the Cost/income list you will find the following information about each project; Cost, Income, Contribution margin and Contribution ratio. Comparisons can be made between Budget, Planned/ordered, Result, Expected result and Forecast. In the Create tab you choose the alternatives to compare.

The left portion of the Cost/income list.

The right portion of the Cost/income list.

ClosedExtended Cost/Income

In the Extended cost/income list with the calculation method Load saved values you will see information about costs and income of a project in detail. The report is classified by cost type and displays the orders, vouchers and directly registered costs that constitute the base of the project's planned and actual costs and income. The rows in the report that concern orders also display rest values on orders and expected result when the project is finished. In records that apply to manufacturing orders, you will see the part number and part name. In records that apply to customer orders and purchase orders, you will also see the name of the customer and supplier.

Result and Expected result for income is normally loaded from the invoicing log (customer order). Income can also be loaded from the accounting. This will take place if the income has been booked in a voucher number series which does not concern customer invoice ledgers. This way manually booked income is also managed in this report. Rectification of an incorrectly booked income should not be done directly on the voucher for the customer invoice. This should instead be done in a separate voucher.

Via the Info menu you can link to a number of other procedures from this list.

Please Note! As regards material costs, parts with no stock update (bucket parts) will not get any material cost specified when selecting the calculation method Calculate from log records. This depends on the fact that parts with no stock update are not included in the inventory log. And as the material cost is loaded from the inventory log, costs for these parts are not included.

In the same list with calculation method Calcultate from log records the following applies. For costs that are loaded from the accounting you will see - in addition to Account - Cost center, Cost unit and Spec. For records in the report concerning income you will also see - in addition to Order number and Part number - Part name. For records concerning directly registered costs you will see – in addition to Reference – Work center and Department.

Sample of an Extended cost/income list.

Under the Create tab you can also choose to display this list with a total per cost type.

Sample of Extended cost/income list with the Total per cost type.

ClosedCost/Income WIP List

The Cost/Income WIP list is used to calculate WIP values of the projects. The WIP values are shown as a total per project in the list.

When selecting the calculation method Load saved values in the Create tab, information about the result from the last calculation (accumulated total) is shown.

By right-clicking in the list, the option Detailed project summary / Project can be selected in the Info menu to see more information about a project. You are then linked to the list type Extended cost/income where detailed information about the current project's costs and income is shown based on the same calculation method Load saved values.

Sample of Cost/Income WIP list with calculation method "Load saved values".

When selecting the calculation method Calculate new saved values a new calculation of saved values is made before showing the list.

When selecting the calculation method Calculate from log records you can print the list per a certain date. All values are then loaded from log records and the accounting. You can then also check the option Transfer to stock in the Search Form before displaying the list. Then you can estimate the Net WIP, that is the Gross WIP minus WIP to stock, of the WIP list. The value of the inventory log records of type Transfer to stock is totaled and shown in a separate column in the list.

Please Note! As regards material costs, parts with no stock update (bucket parts) will not get any material cost specified when selecting the calculation method Calculate from log records. This depends on the fact that parts with no stock update are not included in the inventory log. And as the material cost is loaded from the inventory log, costs for these parts are not included.

Sample of Cost/Income WIP list with calculation method "Calculate from log records".

ClosedTime Check

In the Time check list you will find the following information; Budgeted hours and Actual hours as well as the Difference in hours and percent.

Sample of a Time Check list.

ClosedDirectly Registered Cost/Activity

In the Directly registered cost/activity list, the directly registered costs and activities will be presented in both amount and hours.

You will also find the following information about the project in this list; Project code, Name, Responsible, Type, Group, Start time, End time, Status, Priority, Customer code, Our order number, Customer's order number, Our reference, Customer's reference and Seller.

For each reported cost and activity of a project the following information is shown: Consecutive number, Activity, Cost type, Total, Hours, Reference, Employee number, Work center, Department, Date of reporting and by whom the reporting was made.

In the list of reported costs you can adjust all entered information except the consecutive number and the "reported by".

Sample of a Directly Registered Cost/Activity list.

ClosedExtra Info

In this list you can see and update fields from the Extra Info tab in the Register Projects procedure. You can adjust the list by using Properties... by right-clicking and opening the Info menu.

In all list types you can use the Info menu to link to the Register Project procedure with the correct project number loaded.