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General Information about Register Basic Data - Project

Why Use This Procedure?

Before using the project accounting features in the system, you must define certain basic data in this procedure.

The window consists of six tabs. Under the first tab you define default values per project type. Under the second, third and fourth tab you update registers for activities, costs and income. Under the fifth tab different project types are defined and under the sixth tab project groups are registered.

Default Values

The basic data for project types is a sort of "preparation" of the project type containing activities, a responsible administrator for the project type, and a person responsible for reporting activities, as well as different costs and income. This basic data is then loaded by default for each of the respective project types, each time you register a new project.

You can configure activities and costs as mandatory, which means that they must be carried out/included and can not be deleted. The different activities describe either a predetermined or default work flow or procedure to follow for each project type. The costs and income can describe predetermined or default costs/income to be distributed per project type.

Activities, Costs and Income Registers

You register an optional number of activities, costs and income in separated tables under the different tabs and then you will load these when they should be entered as default per project type. These activities, costs and income will also be loaded when being configured directly on a project. The most common or frequent activities, costs and income that apply in the project management should therefore be entered here.

Window Functions

Read more about the Window functions under Window Functions in the MONITOR Basics.