You are here: MONITOR Basics > General Functions and Methods > Managing Printouts

Managing Printouts

All printouts from MONITOR are performed either by going to File | Print... in the Window menu, or by using the Print button in the Window functions. This will activate a print management function, or Printer dialog box.

You can also use the built-in printout function in MONITOR. This is entered under Settings | Customize... in the Window menu. By using the built-in printout function, you can select your own so-called "MONITOR printers", for which you can override certain properties configurable in the printer driver procedure that you link to the MONITOR printers, or your standard Windows printers. Read more about this in the Help Function for the Printers procedure in the Global Settings module.

Image of the MONITOR printer dialog.

For each user, you can configure which MONITOR printer to use as the default printer for different types of printouts. These settings are configured in the Users procedure in the Global Settings module. You must first register the MONITOR printer in the Printers procedure. Depending on the type of printout to be made, the printer that has been predetermined for this kind of printout will appear as default in the printout window. However, you can in that window temporarily select another printer if needed, or configure temporary settings for this printer.

ClosedPrintouts to Fax

If you install a fax software in Windows, you can also print directly from MONITOR to your fax program. Most fax programs come with a special driver for fax printouts, which should be installed as a special printer. In MONITOR, you must add this printer driver in the Printers procedure, and then select this printer as your Fax printer in the Users procedure.

There is also a supplement in MONITOR called Fax Integration with which you can make automated fax printouts.


  1. Click the printout button in the Window functions toolbar, or go to File and select Print....
  2. When the Print window has opened, you can select another printer or configure temporary settings for your printout. To make temporary changes to the printer settings you should select Properties.
  3. Then click OK to start printing.
  4. If you have chosen a fax printer, you must in normal cases enter or select a fax recipient and the corresponding fax number from the fax program's address book, and then execute the printout.

ClosedPrintouts to E-mail

A special printer where you can for example create PDF files of the printouts is included in the system. The printer is called MONITOR Document Converter. Therefore you do not need to have a separate PDF writer from Adobe installed. However, the PDF writers from Adobe are still supported in the system.

In order to print to e-mail you can use separate e-mail programs which supports the MAPI interface. Most e-mail softwares do.

In Windows you select the e-mail program that should be the default option. This is done in the Program tab under Internet options... in the Control Panel. In MONITOR you then select that e-mail should be sent from MONITOR to an e-mail program which then sends it to the final recipient.

Please Note! There is no support for printing to e-mail when using webmail services such as Google’s and Microsoft’s, since these do not support MAPI.

Instead of using an e-mail program you can in MONITOR configure that e-mails should be sent directly via an SMTP server. Then a built-in e-mail program in MONITOR will be used. To be able to make use of this option you have to have an SMTP server available.

You can also configure whether you want all e-mails to be sent automatically, or whether you want to send each individual e-mail message manually. In the latter case the e-mail program will open for each printout. During automatic e-mail sending, a standard text message will be inserted in the subject line of the e-mail. Message texts for different form printouts are entered in the Form Additional Text procedure in MONITOR. If you wish to type message texts for each printout you should configure to manually send the e-mails.

The form printouts that can be sent via e-mail are all forms that are printed in order to send to customers and suppliers.

In the e-mail address field in the main view of, for example, an order, the e-mail address will be loaded by default from the first reference row on the supplier/customer when registering a new order. But it is possible to select another address from the references or change it manually in the field.

The sender's e-mail address is taken from the e-mail program. If the e-mails should be sent directly via an SMTP server, then the sender's e-mail address is taken from the e-mail address field in the Users procedure in MONITOR.

You can send several orders at the same printing time by selecting an order interval.

When printing forms to e-mail, the PDF writer MONITOR Document Converter will generate a file in PDF format. The PDF file will automatically become an attachment in the e-mail message.

You can also print lists from MONITOR to an e-mail message. In order to print a list via e-mail you select File | Send via e-mail | PDF or HTML under the Display list tab or under the Preview tab. The list will then automatically be attached as a PDF or an HTML file in an e-mail message.

ClosedPrinting to E-mail via E-mail Program

MONITOR has to be configured to send e-mail via an e-mail program. This is done under the Fax / E-mail heading in the System tab in the Settings procedure. The following example concerns the printing of an order.

Setting for e-mail program.

Procedure during Manual Sending

If you want to send e-mails manually the setting called Send each e-mail message manually should be activated (default). You find this setting under the System tab in the Settings procedure.

  1. Select the order number/numbers that you want to send.
  2. Click Send via e-mail. After this the PDF file is created and attached in a new e-mail message in the e-mail program.
  3. The e-mail program opens. Type a message to the receiver and send the e-mail message.
  4. Please check in the e-mail program that all your e-mail messages have actually been sent before you in the printout procedure confirm the printout (form check) and by that give the order status 2 (Printed). If you make a printout from a registering procedure then status 2 will always be set.

Procedure during Automatic Sending

During automatic sending the above setting should not be checked.

  1. Select the order number/numbers that you want to send.
  2. Please Note! Click on Preliminary selection and then on Preview to control all orders before printout. Otherwise you can not stop the e-mails from being sent, if needed!
  3. If the printouts look ok, click Send via e-mail. After this the PDF file will be created and attached in a new e-mail message in the e-mail program. This will take place in the "background" without opening the e-mail program. (However, the e-mail program might display a dialog box where you confirm the sending.)
  4. Please open the e-mail program afterwards and check that all e-mail messages have been sent before you in the printout procedure approve the printout (the form check).

ClosedPrinting to E-mail Directly via SMTP Server

MONITOR has to be configured to send e-mail directly via SMTP server and an SMTP server address should be entered under Fax / E-mail under the System tab in the Settings procedure. Then you do not need to have an e-mail program installed on the computer. Furthermore, the user who should be printing to e-mail has to have his/her e-mail address registered in the Users procedure.

Setting for the SMTP server in the Settings procedure.

Setting for address to SMTP server in the Settings procedure. (It can be either a DNS name or an IP address.)

E-mail address for the user in the Users procedure.

The following example concerns printing of an order.

Procedure during Manual Sending

If you want to send e-mails manually the setting called Send each e-mail message manually should be activated (default). You find this setting in the Settings procedure on the System tab.

  1. Select the order number/numbers that you want to send.
  2. Click Send via e-mail. After this the PDF file is created and attached in a new e-mail message in the built-in e-mail program in MONITOR.
  3. The MONITOR e-mail program opens. Type a message to the receiver and send the e-mail message by selecting Send.
  4. Approve the printout (form check), then the order will get status 2 (Printed). If you make a printout from a registering procedure then status 2 will always be set.

Procedure during Automatic Sending

During automatic sending the above setting should not be checked.

  1. Select the order number/numbers that you want to send.
  2. Please Note! Click Preliminary selection and then on Preview to control all orders before printout. Otherwise you cannot stop the e-mails from being sent, if needed!
  3. If the printouts are ok, click Send via e-mail. After this the PDF file will be created and attached in an e-mail message which will be sent directly. This will take place in the "background" without opening the e-mail program.
  4. Approve the printout (the form check).