The status bar is located at the bottom of the program window. Here you will find fields with different information. The status bar also works interactively so that you can double-click in the fields to perform different measures.
Micro Help
The field to the far left on the Status bar is intended to display micro help. This help applies to the field in a procedure where the cursor is positioned. If there is no micro help for the field in question you will instead see the phrase "Ready" or a question mark "?".
The micro help.
If the logged on user has chosen to show activity reminders and is also responsible for the current activity, the word Activities will be displayed in a field in the status bar. The digit within parenthesis shows how many activities there are in queue for the user.
By double-clicking on Activities, the reminder window opens from where you can link to and report activities for which you are responsible.
If you have installed the supplement MONITOR Agent and a message appears from a monitoring task, a small letter icon with a red exclamation mark is shown in the status bar. You can then double-click on the letter icon to load the message to your screen in the Agent Results procedure. There you can read the message, mark it as "read" and also delete it. The exclamation mark will disappear
if you save the message as "read".
Accounting Period
If the Accounting module has been installed you can see and change the accounting period in a field in the status bar. If you double-click in that field, a window will appear where you can change the accounting period. The field is available only if you have activated the setting Show current accounting period under the Status bar tab under Settings | Customize... in the Window menu.
The Accounting period field.
If the supplement Warehouse Management has been installed and if the user has configured extended warehouse management, you will also see the active warehouse in a field in the status bar. You can double-click here to change warehouse. For the active warehouse the background color of the field is white. For other warehouses the background color is orange.
The Warehouse field.
Database Server Connection
You can configure the "Disconnect" setting in Monitor.ini or the user's ini-file so that you manually can connect or disconnect the MONITOR-client to the database server. Then a field with a plug contact will be visible where you can connect and disconnect by double-clicking. Read more about this in the chapter Configuration Files in MONITOR. This chapter is found under Database Connection and Performance in the Configuration and Maintenance part of the manual.
Field for connecting/disconnecting the database server.
Logged-on User
To the far right in the status bar you can see the user name for the user who is currently logged on to MONITOR. Here you can also double-click to logon as another user.
The Logged on user field.