You are here: Global Settings > General > Company Info > Authorization List

Authorization List

Here you can add and delete users in an authorization list. This is included in the supplement Electronic Invoice Management (EIM).

By clicking on the symbol a Closedwindow will open where the user can be added or deleted in an authorization list. If the signer is already part of an authorization list the symbol is displayed. By clicking on the symbol you can see which employees that are included in the authorization list. It is also possible to make alterations in the list. By using the buttons called Add and Delete, you can add additional signer or delete the selected signer/signers. Using the arrow buttons to the right of the Selected users it is possible to navigate between the selected users.

The Link user to authorization list window.

In order for a user to be displayed in this table he/she must be registered under the MONITOR EIM button in the Users procedure.