You are here: Global Settings > Printers / Users > Users > Send Forward

Send Forward

In this section there are several settings that you can use to configure how the invoice should be forwarded.

During Absence

This setting is used when the user for example is on vacation or will be absent for a long time and somebody else should authorize the invoices during this absence.

When Invoice Is Overdue *

This setting determines when an invoice, that is about to become overdue, should be sent to another user for authorization.

Days the Invoice Waited for Signature *

This setting is used when the invoice should be forwarded to a selected user when it has waited for authorization during a long period of time. Enter how many days that the invoice is allowed to remain unauthorized before it is forwarded.

* The types of forwarding that are determined with the settings When invoice is overdue and Days the invoice waited for signature are executed in a run which is performed in the Search Supplier Invoice procedure. You can perform an AutoRun for these types of forwarding via the supplement called MONITOR Agent.