You are here: Global Settings > Tables > Activities > Activity List

Activity List

In this table you create the activity list for the selected activity template. The selected type on the template determines which activities you can select and which information you can register in the activity list.


In the No. field you select activity. The activities must first have been registered under each respective tab in this procedure. When it comes to activities for the types Nonconformity, Project and Service order, these are registered in each respective procedure for basic data. Read more under General Information about Activities.


The field Text (called Name if the list is for Project) shows the name of the selected activity.


If you check the box called Print, the activity will be printed on:


In the Responsible field you can select a permanent responsible or set the logged-on user as responsible for the activity (by selecting the empty item in the drop down list).


The field Administrator or Reference (the field name depends on whether the list is for part, inquiry, quote or order) can be used if you want the part's administrator or our reference to be set as responsible for the activity. The Responsible field will be greyed out if the Administrator or Reference box has been checked.

If the administrator is missing for a part, the name in the Responsible field will be used instead.

If you select Reference, a default reference must have been selected in the Users procedure.


By using the C button you can enter/link comments that will be copied to a new created activity. If the supplement called Document Viewing is used you can use the button to link external documents to the activity.

Finish Date and Diff

The fields Finish date and Diff (in work days) are used in combination. In the Finish date field you can select Reg. date or, when available, Valid through. You can for example select if planned finish date should be registration date plus 5 work days of Diff. For an activity of the Quote type you can for example select valid through minus 10 work days of difference. This might be useful if you want to plan to make a follow-up phone call 10 work days before the quote expires.

In quote and inquiry headers you will find a valid through date called Valid thru. However, this field is not available in order headers. Here the Order date of the first order row will be used as validity date. In blanket order headers, the field called Valid thru will apply as the validity date.

No Reminder

The field No reminder will deactivate reminders for the activity.